Tag Archives: winter

All I Want (But Will Never Be Able To Afford) For Christmas…

Oh Chanel! Beautiful, flawless, and oh so expensive!

Everyone has a weak point; something they would pretty much sell their own organs to attain. As far as material possessions go, in the designer stratosphere, my weakness is Chanel. It’s true, the iconic brand, first headed by Coco herself, and these days brought to life by the beyond-words-amazing Karl Lagerfeld is beyond compare.

That being said, how do I relate my love of Chanel to Christmas? Well, other than the fact that if it were possible to receive Chanel items, like jackets, and jewelry, and handbags, they would be the top of my list, Chanel had a surprisingly Christmas-y (to use the term a bit loosely) runway show for the fall/winter season of 2010/2011.

If you haven’t watched this show yet, I encourage you to. It’s great. From the makeup, to the clothes, to the giant glaciers they had flown in for the show (yes, that’s luxury at its finest), everything is perfect. Here’s a few excerpts in case you don’t want to watch the whole show.

(The red in the tweed qualifies as a Christmas color, and if you look at all the fur it’s kind of like polar bears… They’re synonymous with Christmas right?)

Hope you like the show… Oh, and I made it! It’s still Friday!

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NaNoWriMo’s Passed But…

I will openly admit at the beginning of this post that I have been falling down on the job, so to speak. NaNoWriMo, well, let’s just say it turned into NaNoWriHaMo with the Ha standing for Half. Yep, I bummed out at about 30,000 words… Considering that when I did NaNoWriMo for school the outcome was about the same, I’m not too disappointed in myself. However, I really wanted the 50,000 this year, I guess I just didn’t want it badly enough.

Enough rambling on that. Since I openly failed on NaNoWriMo, I thought, let’s try to openly win at something else. That something being a theme month on this blog for December with *gasp* a post a day. Now, this is a lot to promise for me, but I will do my very best. I think there are seven of you following my blog, so please, if I fall short, yell at me (in not so harshly worded comments). Or just kindly remind me that I’m letting you down.

Also, I thought it might help to have a theme for each day within the overarching theme of the month. Oh, did I forget to mention the overarching theme of the month? Silly me! Okay, here goes: the holidays! Oh, I know what you’re thinking: “Jessie that is the most unoriginal theme for the month of December you could have possibly picked!” Well fret not internet strangers who somehow know my name, it gets better, I promise.

So I’m a bit of a Christmas junkie. I love the brightly decorated stores and the beautiful holiday season clothes that look like clothes I would wear any day of the week. I love nutcrackers and snowflakes and candy and Christmas trees and ornaments… I’m rambling again. Anyways, I like the holidays, so if you don’t I’m really sorry. (But there is a day for you in the week, I promise.)

So without further ado, I present to you the schedule I will be doing my best to stick to in the upcoming month of December. Sorry this post is so long-winded, I’m feeling a bit Dickensian, which to me means getting in the holiday spirit!

Musical Mondays:

Yes, that’s right, I will be conforming to the strange tradition that is holiday music. I like some of it, don’t get me wrong, but it does baffle me a bit. Nonetheless, I will be writing musically charged posts, as always, on these days including holiday type music. That means, the rest of the days can include normal music if they so desire. So expect your dose of sleigh bells ringing on Mondays.

Traditional Tuesdays:

Tuesday, the day where we will talk about lots and lots of different holiday things. The traditions of times past, the traditions of times present, and the traditions of times mine. (Did that make sense? I hope so.)

Whimsical Wednesdays:

That is pretty much an open-ended day. Maybe I’ll talk about my semi-weird obsession with nutcrackers… Maybe I’ll throw in some Charlie and the Chocolate Factory magic. (What does that even mean? Sometimes I don’t even know.) You’ll just have to wait and see, people!

Throwback Thursdays:

Oh, I get the feeling this is going to be my favorite day of the week. On this day I will talk all things vintage. Whether it be 50’s inspired holiday looks, or fun factoids about time periods past, expect lots of old school on Tuesday. I’m in a bit of a phase right now, so I’m looking quite forward to this!

High Fashion Fridays:

Whether it be a gift from a haute house or a look that seems somehow Christmas related that showed up in fashion week, expect it on this marvelous day!

Scrooge Saturdays:

Generally, a day where I can choose to not talk about the Holidays. So, if you don’t want to hear about anything Christmas-y then this is your day. However, I may actually talk about Scrooge and literature and the awesome ghosts in Dicken’s Christmas story, so be prepared for that too.

Snowy Sundays:

Just a generally wintery day that will focus on all the pretty white stuff we’re now seeing outside (dependent on where you live). Trust me, I will not talk about snow or the way which it is formed on this day. Just think, snow-themed. Like activities, clothes, music, etc.

All right!! I’m excited, and nervous. I hope you’re excited, and… Just excited. Let me know if you have any suggestions on the days, because I would love to hear them. Also, I’m kind of a comment hoarder… I just want more!

So now, I have to figure out how to leave you with a song… This is difficult, let me tell you. Oh I’ve got it!

In honor of NaNoWriMo ending, and hopefully all of those who participated having success (not including me, of course), here is a song:

Oh, oh, oh! Sorry, I know I should be gone by now. I just thought, you know, if you actually listen to the songs I suggest, you should listen to Books & Books by The Almost, too! I sometimes forget how epic they are! Also, it’s along the NaNoWriMo theme, so yeah.

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