
Hello, lovely people. I am having a relaxed day today, so this will not be a wordy post or one that contains a whole lot of content. However, I was just surfing youtube when I came upon a music video. Now, let me preface this by saying that I do not normally listen to popular music or the musicians that are usually on the radio. I do make a few exceptions, but mostly I steer clear of it.

That being said, the music video I’m about to show you is an exception. I don’t hate the song, and I actually find the artist tolerable on most occasions. However, I still don’t listen to her music, and that is mostly because I prefer male musicians anyways. This video, though, is literally perfect. Remember how I said I’m a sucker for good couples? Well, this couple in the video has earned their way onto my wall of couples. Yes, that is how much I like this video. Crazy right?

I’ll let you judge for yourself, but honestly I’m blown away. The artist/muse thing just really gets to me. Plus the car is cool, the outfits are great, and I love a Johnny Cash/June Carter reference. (They’re going to be on my wall of couples, too!) Also, listen for Johnny Cash’s rendition of ‘You Are My Sunshine’ at the end. It’s so cool. He makes everything sound so beautifully ominous with his deep, smoky voice. Okay, enough.

Time to face the music. Yes, the song is by Katy Perry. Oh my! (In my opinion, she’s come a long ways from where she started… If you remember where that was then you know what I mean.) Judge me if you will, but I still like this video. A lot.

(Also, I apologize if this refuses to embed itself into the post. I know that happened with the I Set My Friends On Fire song I posted a while ago. I think it’s a copyright deal, so if it doesn’t work you can just follow the link to youtube.)

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2 thoughts on “Surprising…

  1. Echt tolle Seite. Rubbish bin eigentlich nur per Zufall hier gelandet, aber ich bin jetzt schon complete von der tremendous Seite beeindruckt. Gratuliere dazu!! Viel Erfolg noch durch der sehr guten Home-page mein Freund.

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